Sault Prospector's field trip to the Elliot Lake Area,
Saturday October 15, 2005

Start of Elliot Lake Fieldtrip

Buckles Mine Lookout.

Delio Tortosa pointing at sedimentary dike (Matinenda Fm) in Archean basement.

A few of the field trip participants.

Mike Easton looking at possible Livingstone Creek Formation unconformably overlying Archean greenstone.

Anthony with scintillometer on gently north dipping lower Matinenda Formation, south limb.

Vivienne on top of Spine Road Uranium Occurrence

Spine Road Uranium Occurrence; mineralized quartz-pebble conglomerate, basal Matinenda Formation, south limb.
Lunch stop Spine Lake Road; SDPA crew

Lunch stop Spine Lake Road; OGS crew.

Gently north dipping Mississaugi Formation, south limb

Mississaugi Formation and fieldtrip participants

Bud Clavet; Bruce Formation paraconglomerate.

Vivienne and Delio, Espanola Formation 'algal mats' displaying small scale offsets.

Soft sediment deformation in the Espanola Formation.

'debris flows' in the Gowganda Formation dipping north, south limb.

Mike Hailstone pointing at drop stone in Pecors Formation argillite, north limb.

Ramsey Lake Formation paraconglomerate overlain by Pecors Formation argillite, north limb.

Steeply south-dipping basal conglomerate ('lag deposit') overlying Archean Granite, north limb.

Cloe standing on granitic basement beside basal 'lag' deposit, north limb unconformity.

Boulder 'fanglomerate' of the Livingstone Creek Formation, Pronto Mine area.

Verdun Venn standing on mineralized basal quartz-pebble conglomerate, Matinenda Formation at unconformity with Granitic basement, Pronto Mine.

Photography by:

Delio Tortosa, Anthony Pace, Vivienne Cote, Mike Hailstone