EV220 GPS/GIS Techniques: Organization of the Course

Instructor: Delio Tortosa email: dtortosa@gw.lssu.edu

Class: C205           Lab: C107

Office Hours: 2:00 - 3:00 PM Tuesday (in GIS Lab C107)

Classes: 1:00 - 1:50 PM Tuesday & Thursday with lab 2:00 - 4:50 PM Thursday

References books and Sources of Information:

GPS: A Guide to the Next Utility: Jeff Hurn, Trimble Navigation, 1989.

GPS45 and 45XL Personal Navigator: User Manual, Garmin Corporation, 1996.

Getting To Know ArcView GIS: Environmental Science Research Institute, 1997.

GeoExplorer II Operation Manual: Trimble Navigation Limited, 1996.

Pathfinder Office Software: Trimble Navigation Limited, 1996, Volumes 1-3

EV220 Course Web Site (address to be determined)


Course Objectives: EV220 GPS/GIS Techniques (2,3) 3

An introduction to Global Positioning and Geographic Information Systems technology, theory, and operation, GIS fundamentals and operation, and the collection and integration of field positional data into GIS applications. Special emphasis is given to hands-on operation and practical application in science, natural resource management, business, public health and safety, and public administration. Prerequisites: Math competency, CS101 or permission of instructor.


Grading System % Date
Midterm Exam 15 Nov. 16, 2000
Lab Exercises 25  
Literature Review & Presentation 15  
Lab Final (GPS/GIS Field Project) 20 Due Dec. 14, 2000
Lecture Final 25 Final Exams: Dec 18-22
Total 100  

Policies: Lab and lecture attendance is mandatory. You are expected to take exams and attend labs at the scheduled time. All university policies regarding academic conduct apply. This syllabus is not intended to be a comprehensive statement and represents the best estimate and projection of the course, scope and sequence.


Lecture Topics

Course introduction & overview
Map projections & coordinate systems
GPS - Basic Concepts
Differential GPS
Accuracy & Precision
Geographic Information Systems
Introduction to Database Management
ArcView GIS Software Introduction
GPS/GIS Applications
Student Presentations

Lab Topics

Mapping, Triangulation & Navigation
Introduction: Garmin GPS 45
Field Project Garmin GPS45
Introduction Trimble Geoexplorer GPS
Trimble Pathfinder Post Processing Software
Trimble Pathfinder Post Processing Software Data Dictionary Exercises
Trimble Geoexplorer Differential GPS
Trimble Pathfinder Post Processing Software Differential GPS
Introduction to ArcView GIS
ArcView GIS Exercises
GPS/GIS Data Conversion and Map Construction
GPS/GIS Project: GPS Data Gathering
GPS/GIS Project: DGPS Post Processing and GIS Data Transfer
GPS/GIS Project: ArcView processing and map presentation