ArcView Utility
AV UTILITY is a consolidation of a variety of sample
Avenue scripts that are provided by ESRI or ArcView users. Some of these scripts have been
altered by ELIRIS Inc. in order to enhance the script or to correct minor bugs. Please
feel free to use the AV Utility Extension and refer any inquiries to our Web Site. |
of the AV UTILITY Extension for ArcView 3.x, please send inquiries to: Email:
Tel/Fax: (705) 649-0763 |
The Utility extension provides the following functionality:
View Menu
XY Shift (Manual) (ESRI)
XY Shift (Automatic) (ESRI / ELIRIS)
Projector (Automatic) (ESRI / ELIRIS)
Point to Polyline (ESRI)
Point to Polygon (ESRI)
Polyline to polygon (ESRI)
Polygon to Polyline (ESRI)
Merge Themes (ESRI)
Union Themes (ESRI) |
Intersect Themes (ESRI)
MapInfo to SHP (ESRI)
SHP to MapInfo (T. McGinnes, Australia)
SHP to DXF (P. Coolen, ESRI France)
SHP to ArcGenerate (ESRI)
Histogram (Theme) (ESRI)
Bivariate Regression (ESRI)
Table Menu
Histogram (ESRI) |